Amnesty International Slovakia (AIS) has spoken out against a change to the Slovak Constitution this week defining marriage as “a unique union of one man and one woman”, claiming that the change is against both international and European Union law in the field of human rights.

The change, initiated by the Christian democrats of the KDH party and pushed through parliament with the help of the ruling Smer-SD party, discriminates against the LGBT community, AIS says, noting that the move is a step backwards for the country.

“The adoption of this law is a clear step backwards for Slovakia in respect of its obligation to fight against all forms of discrimination and is in conflict to the positive measures adopted specifically to meet this goal”, says Jela Dobošová from AIS.
The homophobic amendment to the Constitution was given a clear thumbs up on Wednesday 4 June and will take effect from 1 September 2014, effectively ruling out any chance of same sex marriages in Slovakia. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited by both the European convention on human rights and the United Nations, for instance.
Several countries in Europe have similar legislative setups or approaches, including Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Lithuania, while same-sex marriages were recently made legal in the United Kingdom and last year in France. AIS also expressed discontent at how the amendment was passed politically without any social dialogue.
On somber note ….President Ivan Gašparovič said he will `miss` the cabinet of Prime Minister Robert Fico during a cabinet session, which is the last one he will attend before his term ends on June 15.
So this insestous love affair is all but over …..and his adopted child was not to be made King …
Thank Christ for that …..lets hope life starts to become bloody uncomfortable for Prince Robert .
“EU Law and Conventions take precedence over anything the clowns in Parliament enact.”
What? How? What?
“A condition of joining the EU was to ratify and adopt the Convention of Human Rights.”
When? Before joining the EU, 10 years after joining the EU or when?
“Article 12 of that Convention specifically protects the rights of “normal marriages” so the changes to your constitution were a waste of time and effort.”
Was it? So chill out.
“The result will be the Tax-payer having to foot the bill for the fines and compensation. A knee jerk, populist piece of legislation that will cost us all dear.”
For what?
You know, I have always wondered if Spiders have balls and hump ?
Clearly smoking a cigarette after such pleasure is beyond this creepy crawly .
You can’t educate pork!
What so will do to kiss the Pope`s bum, never ceases to amaze me ….
KDH and Smer are a mess but why isn’t Kiska’s party vetoing this archaic BS law?
And which party is that?
Political party-Independent
First president ever not to have been a member of the commie party.
Please explain. I have no idea what you talk about.
Educate yourself Spidz
presumably because the senile old a*sewipe from Poltar, Gasparovic, is still officially president.
June 15 can’t come fast enough.
I think if Kiska can’t wake up the sheep and make major changes to laws than SK will forever be screwed.
I hope Kiska overturns this discrimination BS laws as well as citizenship BS and stopping corruption. Yes, the list is endless.
Another step backwards for SK. Anti-foreigners, anti-gay but pro- euro in my pocket politicians. No future SK.
“KDH and Smer are a mess but why isn’t Kiska’s party vetoing this archaic BS law?”
How should Kiska’s party veto the law? Explain yourself mate.
Kiska has no party and isn’t even prezident and even if he was how can he veto the “constitutional majority”?
Political party-independent…:)
Any backward country that does not abide by the laws of the EU should not get a cent in EU money – simple as,
And which law is that?
Spider – If you care to read the articles of membership to the EU which this country signed, EU Law and Conventions take precedence over anything the clowns in Parliament enact. A condition of joining the EU was to ratify and adopt the Convention of Human Rights. Article 12 of that Convention specifically protects the rights of “normal marriages” so the changes to your constitution were a waste of time and effort. In the rush to appease the “righteous minority” your politicians have enacted a law which is at odds with articles 1, 14 and 17 of the ECHR and Protocol 12 of that Convention, which means that it will be subject to challenge in EU Courts. The result will be the Tax-payer having to foot the bill for the fines and compensation. A knee jerk, populist piece of legislation that will cost us all dear.
If you want more info on the EU Laws and Conventions Slovakia is obliged to comply with visit the Europa Website.