Government extinguishes gas price threat

The General Meeting of gas company Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel (SPP) voted against the gas price hike for households proposed for 1 October. The price proposal was rejected by the National Property Fund (FNM), which exercises the state’s 51% majority in the company, thereby backing earlier statements of the Ministry of Economy.

SPP will continue speaking to the regulatory authority URSO, however, to find a way to adjust gas prices for households so that they reflect supply costs, informed SPP spokesman, Lubomir Tuchscher.

Gas prices for households have not been raised since November 2006, and in fact have been cut twice since then – down 4% in January 2007  and almost 5% in January this year.

Rumours in the media in July stated that SPP was going to request a price hike of almost 20% from national regulatory authority URSO, which has the final say in the matter.

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