One third of Slovaks now overweight

1 in 7 Slovaks classed as obese

With the changing way of life, problems with obesity and related health complications are becoming a worry also in Slovakia as one third of the population is now classed as overweight and 14% as obese.

In general Slovaks feel healthy, with as much as 64.1% of the population classing their state of health as very good to good. Funnily enough, men were more optimistic in this sense than women, according to a European Union survey conducted last year.

The report contradicts these feelings as it estimates some 57% of the population has long-term health problems. Women suffer most from high blood pressure (27.6%), then headaches and allergies. Men are also prone to high blood pressure (21.6%), then allergies and back problems.

Some 27% of men and 12.45 of women in the country are daily smokers, with 10% and 8% respectively having the occasional puff.

The survey involved 7,530 people from over 250 towns and cities in Slovakia, two thirds of which were over 15 years of age.

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